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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-06-28 07:40:48  浏览:8416   来源:法律资料网
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中国 英国










































● 双方期待着“中英财政金融对话”机制下一轮部长级磋商,此次磋商将在北京举行,并提升为正部级。财金对话为双方继续加强和重点开展金融领域的交流与合作提供了框架,特别是在宏观经济政策、产业结构调整、公共财政管理、创造就业、竞争和监管政策、环境治理和环境保护等问题上的交流与合作。双方鼓励英国银行业参与中国银行业的改革。






● 中英轮流举行两国教育部年度部级会晤。

● 中国教育部与英国教育和技能部同意共同努力,提供奖学金机会,资助中英研究生进行交流,到对方大学开展研究。


● 开展商业性项目,鼓励教育与产业相结合,为工程技术等人员提供商业经验和实践知识。






● 建立中英气候变化工作组。

● 开展有针对性的项目,支持中国建立环境影响评估系统和战略环境评估系统。





China-UK Joint Statement

The Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Wen Jiabao and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Rt Hon Tony Blair MP, held talks in London on 10 May 2004 during Premier Wen Jiabao’s official visit to the UK.

Premier Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Tony Blair today welcome the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the UK, and pledge to work together to develop this partnership to benefit our countries and to help create a safer, more prosperous and open world.

We share a common interest in Britain and China working together on bilateral, multilateral and global issues. We see the relationship between our two countries as among our top international priorities.

China’s sustained economic growth and development, and increasing role as a global economic power has enabled the partnership to grow significantly in stature in recent years. Links flourish in a huge number of areas, from environment to education, development to science and technology.

We agree that co-operation between China and the UK has increased significantly since our last meeting in July 2003. We look forward to continuing high level dialogue at the China-EU Summits in 2004 and 2005, the latter in Beijing under the UK Presidency of the EU, and also at the summits between us that we have now agreed will take place annually.

Following Tony Blair’s visit to China last year, we decided to establish Task Forces to facilitate this step-change in bilateral relations. These Task Forces have drawn in expertise from all parts of society and have produced new proposals in Trade and Investment, Finance, Energy, Education, Science and Technology, Environment - including Climate Change - and Sustainable Development, and Culture (See Annex). We wish to thank Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan, the respective Task Force Chairmen, and the Task Force members for their work.

The breadth and depth of China-UK relations are illustrated by the Task Forces’ proposals and increasing co-operation on a growing number of shared issues of international concern including environmental management and protection, energy, non-proliferation, counter-terrorism and tackling organised crime.

We agree to strengthen our countries’ bilateral and multilateral co-operation as follows:

1. To consolidate and strengthen the bilateral relationship:

(i) We agree to increase the exchange of high-level visits. Government leaders and foreign ministers of the two countries will exchange visits annually to reinforce and extend bilateral political co-operation in fields such as strategic security and non-proliferation.

(ii) We agree to intensify co-operation in broad areas of trade and investment, which we will promote through the Joint Economic and Trade Commission, in line with the recommendations of the Task Forces which are set out in the Annex.

(iii) The two sides will also increase co-operation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection in line with the Task Forces’ proposals. They signed a number of memoranda of understanding during this visit to take forward aspects of this co-operation.

(iv)We note the important role that the China-UK Forum has played in bilateral relations and invite the Forum to consider its future role, in particular in the areas of industry, financial services, science, technology and the environment, in light of the proposals made by the two Task Forces.

We had a friendly and open exchange of views on issues relating to Hong Kong. We reaffirmed our two Governments’ commitments to the implementation of the Joint Declaration and agreed that it is in the interests of both sides to maintain and promote Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability in accordance with the “one country, two systems” principle and the Basic Law. We agreed to continue our exchange of views on these issues.

The UK reaffirms its consistent position on the question of Taiwan as set out in the China/UK Joint Communiqué of 1972, in which the UK acknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan is a province of the People's Republic of China and recognised the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China.

We place a high value on the bilateral human rights dialogue and will continue this exchange on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Both sides share a belief that all states should respect and protect human rights. The UK side welcomes the recent addition of respect and protection for human rights to the Chinese Constitution. The next round of the dialogue will take place in May 2004 and provides a genuine opportunity for concrete co-operation between our two countries.

2. To consolidate and strengthen co-operation in multilateral fora on issues of mutual and international concern.

Our countries will increase co-ordination in the UN to promote reforms in the UN to meet the challenges of the 21st century and to ensure greater respect for the UN Charter and international law. The two sides are committed to expanding co-operation within the framework of UN peacekeeping. China would like to strengthen consultations with the UK, including on the Middle East and Iraq.

We reiterate our determination to combat terrorism. Our governments will launch a China-UK anti-terrorism dialogue and intensify exchanges and co-operation in this area.

We reiterate our determination to promote non-proliferation. The UK welcomes China’s commitment to non-proliferation and the actions it has taken to that end, and in particular welcomes the steps taken by China to strengthen its relationships with the non-proliferation export control regimes. China appreciates the efforts of the UK in promoting the resolution of the implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in Iran within the framework of IAEA, and in persuading Libya to abandon WMD programmes. The UK also welcomes China’s leading role in the Six Party Talks on the nuclear issues on the Korean peninsular. The two sides will intensify exchanges and co-operation in security, arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation areas.

We reaffirmed our commitments to work together to combat illegal immigration. The two Governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Facilitation of Legitimate Travel and Co-operation to Combat Illegal Immigration.

The two sides also endorse closer police co-operation. They agree, in accordance with international legal instruments such as the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime, to enhance information exchange and law enforcement co-operation and work closely to crack down upon transnational crime.

Both sides speak highly of the positive achievements of the ASEM in promoting equal partnership between Asia and Europe, and express their readiness to further strengthen co-operation in the ASEM.

3. China and the UK pledge to enhance co-operation on international economic problems and to promote sustainable development.

The two sides will work together for the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals: the elimination of poverty, hunger, disease, environmental degradation, illiteracy, discrimination against women, and delivering the commitments made at the World Summit on Sustainable Development at all levels, inter alia, through the Commission for Sustainable Development(CSD).

Both sides are committed to international trade liberalisation and they will continue to advance the Doha Development Agenda negotiations. Both sides agree that realisation of the development objectives is of fundamental importance for the success of the round. They agree that it is in the interests of all WTO members to reach a balanced conclusion of the Doha round as soon as possible, and that they will work towards reaching a framework agreement in 2004. The UK and China agree to maintain their dialogue on this.

Both sides recognise the importance of effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights and the vital role that protection of IPRs plays in fostering foreign investment and creating a positive business environment. Both sides agree to enhance mutual co-operation on protection of IPRs. China will comply with its commitments under relevant international IPR conventions or agreements it has entered and protect the interests of IPR holders according to its domestic laws.

China and the UK reiterate their support for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and urge parties that have not yet done so to ratify the Kyoto Protocol as soon as possible. The two sides also urge all countries to make the most efficient use of energy resources that they can, and call on all Annex 1 countries to lead the way by making concerted efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so as to move towards the goals defined by the convention.

China and the UK recognise the importance of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development which emphasises the importance of access to information; public participation in decision-making; and access to justice in environmental matters.

The two sides also agree to share scientific and economic experience to take forward the China’s and UK’s efforts to achieve a low carbon economy and sustainable development, and to accelerate and develop the global market for climate friendly technologies, including through the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership.

The two sides reaffirm their wish to strengthen exchanges on environmental issues including climate change, sustainable management of natural resources, and measures to address forest law enforcement(including illegal logging), conservation of water resources, improving air quality and pollution control, and to learn from each other on environment-related legislation, supervision and personnel training.

Both sides will work together to help developing countries in addressing poverty and other development-related problems so as to better manage challenges posed by globalisation. The two sides place particular emphasis on peace and security, the fight against HIV/AIDS and sustainable development in Africa and give their full support to African countries in their efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals.

China-UK Joint Statement – ANNEX

Proposals for developing bilateral co-operation agreed by the two countries’ Task Forces:

Trade & Investment

At the heart of multi-sectoral collaboration between China and the UK, we will develop bilateral programmes across five key sectors – Finance, Energy, Information and Communication Technology(ICT), Healthcare and Water. The sector programmes will be developed in collaboration with industry, with clear business outcomes. The Joint Economic and Trade Commission will be underpinned by annual meetings at Secretary of State level, alternating between the China and UK. These meetings will also cover trade and investment policy issues.

A UK National Trade and Investment Strategy for China. A new national trade and investment strategy for China will build on UK Trade and Industry’s (UKTI) existing work of support for business and prioritising sectors and business services across UK regions and China.

The two sides will encourage British enterprises to invest in China and Chinese enterprises to invest in the UK.

The two sides will promote interaction and co-operation between small and medium-sized enterprises of both countries.


The two sides look forward to the next round of China-UK Financial Dialogue Ministerial consultations in Beijing, at which both sides will be represented at Cabinet rank. The financial dialogue provides a framework for the two sides to continue to enhance and prioritise exchanges and cooperation in the financial field, in particular exchanges and consultations on macro-economic policy and industrial restructuring, public financial management, job-creation, competition and regulatory policy, and environmental management and protection. The two sides encourage participation by the British banking sector in the reform of the Chinese banking sector.


The two sides welcome proposals to stage an ICT week in China in September 2004.


The two sides place importance on their energy co-operation. Both are willing to exchange and co-operate through various means in fields such as energy policy, energy reform and development. We are both ready to share information and to promote joint activities in the fields of energy sector governance, energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy. Both China and UK attach importance to sustainable, global energy security and to mitigating, and where possible reversing, the effects of climate change. The two sides note with pleasure the number of energy related commercial contracts signed during this visit.


Hold an annual China/UK Education Summit. These will be held alternately in the UK and China, at Ministerial level.

The Chinese Ministry of Education and UK Department of Education and Skills agree to work together to create scholarship opportunities to support an exchange of high quality post-graduate students to carry out research at universities in China and the UK.

The UK to work in collaboration with the Chinese to increase understanding in the UK of modern China. The School Links programme has a helpful role to play.

Business-led projects to encourage links between industry and education. This would give engineers and others business experience and practical knowledge.

Science and Technology

A “British Science in China” campaign, to be launched in China in January 2005, will enhance Chinese knowledge of UK scientific research and policy.

Willing to set up a series of exchanges on best practice in the field of intellectual property. A strong intellectual property regime supports science and technology development. The UK wishes to share expertise to assist China’s development of an intellectual property regime, consistent with WTO and other requirements, whilst also learning about China’s priorities. The long-term benefits could include establishment of research partnerships in all areas of science and technology.

Establish a China-UK science and innovation park steering committee to guide and support the work of science and technology incubators. The two sides agree to co-operate in research, prevention and treatment of communicable diseases and epidemics, and to intensify information sharing and communication.

Environment and Sustainable Development

Establish a UK/China Working Group on climate change.

A well-focused programme of support to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) in China.

Dialogue on Sustainable Development. As partners on the issue of development, China and the UK agree to share experience through a high level dialogue on sustainable development involving a wide range of non-governmental stakeholders.


Both sides are in favour of increasing cultural exchange and co-operation. They support the Chinese Culture Year held in the UK in 2004。

Both sides welcome recent progress towards concluding a Cultural Centres Agreement, and reaffirm their commitments to the successful signature of an Agreement at an early date.

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  第一条 根据国务院《城市居民最低生活保障条例》和国家有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 本省行政区域内持有非农业户口的城镇居民的最低生活保障,适用本办法。


  第三条 城市居民最低生活保障制度实行政府负责制。县级以上人民政府民政部门具体负责本行政区域内城市居民最低生活保障的管理工作;财政部门按照规定落实城市居民最低生活保障资金;统计、物价、审计、劳动保障、人事等部门在各自职责范围内负责城市居民最低生活保障的有关工作。县级民政部门以及街道办事处和乡镇人民政府负责城市居民最低生活保障的具体管理工作。


  第四条 持有非农业户口的城市居民,凡共同生活的家庭成员人均收入低于当地城市居民最低生活保障标准的,均有从其户籍所在地人民政府获得基本生活物质帮助的权利。








  第五条 城市居民的下列收入不计入家庭收入。





  第六条 计算家庭收入,应当按照居民家庭申请享受城市居民最低生活保障时前3个月收入的平均数额计算。分在职、下岗、失业和离退休的人员按其应得收入计算家庭收入;对未参加社会保险而又停产多年的城镇集体企业的退休和下岗人员、已关闭破产的资源枯竭矿山职工按其实际收入计算家庭收入。

   第七条 城市居民最低生活保障标准,按照当地维持城市居民基本生活所必需的衣、食、住费用,适当考虑水、电、燃煤(燃气)费用以及未成年人义务教育费用确定,并根据当地经济发展和居民基本生活必需品价格变动情况适时调整。

  第八条 设区的市的城市居民最低生活保障标准,由市民政部门会同财政、统计、物价等部门制定,报本级人民政府批准后公布执行;县(市)的城市居民最低生活保障标准,由县(市)民政部门会同财政、统计、物价等部门制定,报本级人民政府批准并报上一级人民政府备案后公布执行。

  第九条 城市居民最低生活保障所需资金,由各级人民政府列入财政预算,纳入社会救济专项资金支出科目,专户管,专款专用;省、设区的市和县(市)发行的福利彩票筹集的福利资金,可以适当安排一部分用于城市居民最低生活保障。





  第十条 城市居民最低生活保障资金的使用情况,由财政、审计、监察部门依法进行监督。


  第十一条 居民家庭要求享受城市居民最低生活保障待遇的,应当向户籍所在地的社区居民委员会提出书面申请,并出具户籍证明、居民身份证、家庭成员所在单位出具的收入情况证明,填写《城市居民最低生活保障金待遇申请表》。

  第十二条 社区居民委员会在接到要求享受城市居民最低生活保障待遇的申请后,可以通过入户调查、邻里访问以及信函索证等方式,对申请人的家庭经济状况和实际生活水平进行调查核实。申请人及有关单位、组织或者个人应当接受调查,如实提供有关情况。



  第十三条 县级民政部门通过审查,对符合城市居民最低生活保障条件的,发给《山东省城市居民最低生活保障证》,并报上一级民政部门备案;对不符合城市居民最低生活保障条件的,应当书面通知申请人,并说明理由。

  第十四条 街道办事处、乡镇人民政府和社区居民委员会应当按照公开、公正、公平的原则,分别对申请和被批准享受城市居民最低生活保障待遇的家庭张榜公布,接受群众监督。

  第十五条 享受城市居民最低生活保障的家庭其户籍迁移变更的,迁出地县级民政部门应出具证明及有关材料,由迁入地县级民政部按照当地的规定重新办理审批手续。

  第十六条 城市居民最低生活保障金由县(市、区)民政部门委托银行发放,也可以由街道办事处、乡镇人民政府或者委托社区居民委员会发放。

  第十七条 街道办事处、乡镇人民政府和社区居民委员会应当对享受城市居民最低生活保障待遇的城市居民家庭收入情况按季度进行核查,其家庭人均收入情况发生变化的,应当按规定程序及时办理停发、减发或者增发城市居民最低生活保障金的手续。

  第十八条 享受城市居民最低生活保障待遇的居民,在就业年龄内有劳动能力,无正当理由拒绝劳动就业的,由民政部门取消其本人享受的城市居民最低生活保障待遇。

  第十九条 各级人民政府及有关部门对享受城市居民最低生活保障待遇的居民,应当优先安排其就业,扶持其开展生产经营,并在教育、医疗、住房、用水、用电等方面制定优惠政策,减免有关费用。

  第二十条 城市居民最低生活保障工作所需经费列入各级人民政府财政预算。

  第二十一条 本办法自2001年10月1日起施行。





                             市长 孙日强

  第一条 为加强体育市场管理,促进体育事业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国体育法》、《贵州省体育条例》、《贵州省体育经营活动管理办法》和有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

  第二条 凡在本市体育市场从事体育经营活动的单位和个人,均应遵守本规定。

  第三条 市体育行政主管部门依法负责监督管理本市体育市场;区、县(市)体育行政主管部门依法负责监督管理本行政区域的体育市场。

  第四条 鼓励、支持企事业单位、社会团体和个人依法兴办有益人民身心健康,推动全民健身活动,促进体育事业发展的体育经营活动。

  第五条 体育市场实行分级分类管理。

  第六条 从事体育经营活动必须具备以下基本条件:

  第七条 从事体育经营活动,必须经体育行政主管部门审核同意。法律、法规和规章规定还必须经其他部门审核同意的,从其规定。证照齐全,方可营业。

  第八条 在本市进行体育彩票发行活动,由市体育行政主管部门汇总报市政府批准后,按国家和省的规定实施。

  第九条 需要变更证照核准内容的,由原发证照机关办理变更手续。

  第十条 在体育经营活动中,从事教练、技术培训咨询、指导、应急救护等专业人员和经营管理人员,应当经过市体育行政主管部门培训并取得有关证照,方可上岗。

  第十一条 体育经营活动审核文书、经营管理人员和从业人员上岗证应当统一印制,并实行年审制度。

  第十二条 新(扩)建体育经营项目建筑设施,其选址、设计须经市体育行政主管部门审查同意。

  第十三条 体育活动经营者必须在法律、法规规定的范围内合法经营,照章纳税,维护体育经营场所秩序,保证体育经营场所的安全、卫生。

  第十四条 从事体育技术培训的单位和个人应当确保教学质量,不得体罚或变相体罚受训人员。

  第十五条 营业性体育场馆或公共场所,不得接纳未按规定取得资格的经营者从事体育经营活动。

  第十六条 体育经营活动的广告内容必须真实,符合广告法规定,经市体育行政主管部门审查,报工商行政部门批准后方可发布。

  第十七条 体育活动经营者应当按照财政、物价部门核定的收费标准,明码标价,亮证收费,并按规定向体育行政主管部门交纳管理费。

  第十八条 未经体育行政主管部门审核批准,擅自开展体育经营活动的,由体育行政主管部门责令其限期补办手续,并处以500元以上5000元以下罚款;有违法所得的,处以违法所得1-3倍的罚款,但最高不超过30000元。

  第十九条 有下列行为之一的,由体育行政主管部门给予警告,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处以500元以上5000元以下的罚款。

  第二十条 体育活动经营者违反本规定造成严重后果尚未构成犯罪的,由体育行政主管部门会同有关部门审定,处以5000元以上30000元以下罚款。

  第二十一条 体育活动经营者在经营活动中违反公安、工商、卫生、税务、物价、劳动、市容环卫、环保等管理规定的,由有关部门依法给予处罚。

  第二十二条 体育市场执法人员滥用职权,玩忽职守的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第二十三条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或者向人民法院起诉。逾期不申请复议,不起诉,又不履行行政处罚决定的,作出行政处罚决定的机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。

  第二十四条 本规定中由体育行政主管部门管理的具体体育项目,按照省政府的有关规定执行。

  第二十五条 本规定实施前已开办的体育经营场所,须在本规定公布之日起60日内按本规定补办手续。

  第二十六条 本规定由贵阳市人民政府法制局负责解释。

  第二十七条 本规定自公布之日起施行。
