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第一条 根据中华人民共和国国务院《关于管理外国企业常驻代表机构的暂行规定》、《关于管理外国新闻机构常驻记者的暂行规定》和《海关对进出国境旅客行李物品监管办法》等有关法规,特制订本规定。
第二条 下列常驻机构进口办公用品、常驻人员进出口行李物品,按本规定办理:
第三条 常驻人员在取得中华人民共和国主管部门签发的长期居留证件之前,入境携带的行李物品,按海关对短期旅客的规定办理。
第四条 常驻人员在取得长期居留证件后,短期进出境(或来往香港、澳门地区)携带行李物品,海关只免税放行旅途必需的生活用品。出境时携带经海关免税放行的物品(如手表、照相机、收录音机、摄影机等物品),如要复带入境,应当在“旅客行李申报单”上申明。回程时,海关凭以查核免税放行。出境时未向海关申明,回程时所带海关重点管理物品照章征税。
第五条 常驻人员携带出境的行李物品,除金银、货币、文物等限制出口的物品外,在自用合理数量范围内,予以放行。
第六条 常驻机构进口办公用品和机动交通工具,应事先向主管海关提出书面申请,经海关审核,在自用合理数量范围内,准予免领进口许可证进口,上述办公用品和机动交通工具进口时,应填具“进口货物报关单”连同“申请表”,发票等有关单证向海关申报,由海关查验征税放行。
第七条 常驻机构和常驻人员进口的办公用品、自用物品和机动交通工具,只限自用。不准在中华人民共和国境内私自出售。如需出售,应事先向主管海关提出申请,经批准后,售予当地人民政府指定的外货收购部门,并按章补税。违者按有关法规处理。
第八条 常驻机构和常驻人员申报进出口的物品,属海关禁止进出口的,由海关扣留,限期退运出境或退回原地。过期不退,即由海关处理。对中华人民共和国政治、文化、道德、卫生有害而被扣留的物品,都不发还,由海关按照有关法规处理。
第九条 华侨、港澳同胞、台湾同胞经营的企业常驻机构和常驻人员进出口物品也按照本规定办理。
第十条 本规定不适用于经济特区。
第十一条 本规定未列事项,按海关有关法规办理。
第十二条 本规定自一九八四年五月一日起实施。

Regulations Concerning Import and Export of Articles by ResidentOffices of Foreign Enterprises and Presses, and Their Staff StationChinan

(The "Regulations Concerning Import and Export of Articles byResident Offices of Foreign Enterprises and Presses, and Their StaffStationed in China" (hereinafter referred to as 'the Regulations') hasbeen promulgated by the Cu
stoms General Administration of the People'sRepublic of China and made available to China Economic News forpublication on 20 April, 1984.)

Important Notice: (注意事项)
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
Regulations Concerning Import and Export of Articles by Resident
Offices of Foreign Enterprises and Presses, and Their Staff Stationed in
(The "Regulations Concerning Import and Export of Articles by
Resident Offices of Foreign Enterprises and Presses, and Their Staff
Stationed in China" (hereinafter referred to as 'the Regulations') has
been promulgated by the Customs General Administration of the People's
Republic of China and made available to China Economic News for
publication on 20 April, 1984.)
Article 1
The Regulations hereby are formulated in accordance with the "Provisional
Regulations Concerning Resident Offices of Foreign Enterprises", the
"Provisional Regulations Concerning Resident Correspondents of Foreign
Presses", and the "Rules Concerning Supervision and Control of Inward and
Outbound Passenger Baggages by Customs", promulgated by the State Council
of the People's Republic of China.
Article 2
The import of office appliances by the following resident offices and
import or export of personal effects by their resident staff shall comply
with the Regulations:
1. Resident offices of foreign enterprises and other economic
organizations and their staff;
2. Resident offices of foreign economic and trade organizations and their
3. Foreign resident news agencies and their resident correspondents;
4. Foreign resident personnel of joint ventures (including Chinese-foreign
enterprises involving in cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum);
5. Foreign resident personnel of enterprises operating in China using
foreign capital;
6. Other foreign resident offices and their staff.
Article 3
Any baggage carried by resident personnel upon his first entry into China
shall be subject to the regulations applicable to short-term visitors.
Having obtained a "Permanent Residence Permit" issued by the authorities
concerned of the PRC, the resident personnel may apply to the local
Customs (in case there is no local Customs in a certain area, he may apply
to the designated Customs as listed in the appendix, hereinafter referred
to as "Customs in charge") for import of personal effects by submitting a
written application form, together with the residence permit, identity
card and the "Baggage Declaration" endorsed by the Customs at the time of
entry. Such application shall be allowed once only.
Personal effects imported in reasonable amount shall be released duty free
after they are examined and approved by the Customs. Certain restricted
articles (for example, durable goods such as electrical appliances for
household use, etc.) together with hand luggage carried by any resident
personnel upon his first entry and the unaccompanied baggage, shall be
admitted duty free provided that they are within the quantitative limit
set by the Customs. In case the articles exceed the prescribed limit and
they are for private use or consumption, they shall be admitted against
payment of duty subject to examination and approval by the Customs. Motor
vehicles (cars and motorcycles) may be imported by resident personnel (one
for each person) on payment of duty. Any resident personnel applying for
import of personal effects and approved by the Customs shall be imported
within six months from the date of approval.
Article 4
Any resident personnel leaving China temporarily (including making short
trips to Hongkong or Macao) during his residence in China may, upon re-
entry, bring in duty free articles allowed for the journey only. Other
articles (such as wrist watches, cameras, radio-cassette recorders, cine-
cameras, etc.) previously admitted duty free and carried by such person
upon his exit, if intended to be subsequently brought back, shall be so
declared in the "Baggage Declaration" against which they may be re-
imported duty free, failing which, duty shall be levied.
Article 5
Baggage and articles (excluding those restricted articles such as gold,
silver, currencies, and cultural relics, etc.) carried by resident
personnel on his exit shall be released provided that they are for
personal use and in reasonable amount.
Article 6
Any resident offices intending to import office appliances and vehicles
shall submit a written application form to the Customs in charge and upon
verification, admission shall be granted to those articles without
requiring the Import Licence and provided that they are in reasonable
amount and intended to be used by the office in question only. On import
of the above-mentioned articles, the office concerned shall fill in the
"Import Cargo Declaration" and submit it to the Customs together with the
application form, invoices and other relevant documents, against which the
articles shall be examined and released upon payment of duty.
If there is an agreement between a foreign government and the government
of the PRC, articles concerned shall be dealt with according to the
provisions of the agreement.
Article 7
Office appliances, vehicles and personal effects imported by resident
offices and their staff shall not be offered for sale without permission.
When any sale is requested, permission shall be obtained from the Customs
in charge and the articles concerned shall be sold to the stores
designated by the local people's government. Duties shall be levied on
those articles previously admitted duty free. Breaching of this rule shall
be dealt with according to the relevant provisions.
Article 8
Articles declared for import or export by resident offices and their
staff; of which the import or export are prohibited, shall be detained by
the Customs and re-shipped abroad or re-directed to any place in China by
the owner within a stipulated period; failing which, the articles
concerned shall be disposed of by the Customs. Articles detained for being
detrimental to Chinese political, economic, cultural, moral or hygienic
interests shall not be returned and shall be disposed of by the Customs
according to the relevant provisions.
Article 9
The Regulations is also applicable to the import and export of articles by
resident offices of enterprises run by overseas Chinese or compatriots in
Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan, and their staff.
Article 10
The Regulations do not apply to special economic zones.
Article 11
Those not provided for hereinabove shall be dealt with according to the
relevant provisions.
Article 12
The Regulations shall be put into effect on May 1, 1984.




第一章 总 则
第一条 为了丰富人民群众的文化生活,加强音像业的管理,促进社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设,根据国家有关规定,结合我省实际情况,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称音像业,包括录音录像制品(以下简称音像制品)的制作、出版、复录、发行(批发、零售、租赁)和放映业务。
第三条 从事音像业必须坚持党的基本路线,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向,重视社会效益,努力满足人民群众的文化需求。
第四条 严禁出版、复录、发行、销售、放映和出租背离党的基本路线,危害国家安全,破坏民族团结,宣扬淫秽色情、封建迷信、暴力犯罪和国家禁止的音像制品。
第五条 在本省境内从事音像业的单位和个人,均应遵守音像业管理的法律、法规和本规定。

第二章 管理机构与职责
第六条 新闻出版管理部门是音像业归口管理的主管部门。
第七条 省新闻出版管理部门负责审批、管理省直和中央驻郑单位设立的音像单位,以及音像出版、复录和一、二级发行(批发)单位。市(地)新闻出版管理部门或机构在省新闻出版管理部门的指导下,负责本行政区域音像业的管理工作。
第八条 省新闻出版管理部门在音像业管理中履行下列职责:
第九条 音像管理工作人员依法实施检查时,应主动出示检查证件,被检查的音像经营单位和人员应当接受并配合检查,不得阻碍音像管理工作人员依法履行公务。

第三章 出版与复录生产
第十条 设立音像出版、复录生产单位,应经省新闻出版管理部门同意,并报国家新闻出版署批准,凭批复文件和许可证向有关部门申请办理证照后,方可营业。
第十一条 音像出版单位应严格按照核定的出版范围和年度出版选题计划从事出版活动,并在音像制品出版后十日内将样品报送新闻出版管理部门备查。
第十二条 非音像出版单位制作的音像制品,可以作为内部资料使用,经省新闻出版管理部门批准可以内部发行。需公开出版、发行的,应交由音像出版单位办理。
第十三条 音像复录生产单位或出版单位的复录生产部门对外承接生产业务时,必须有音像出版单位的正式委托书或合同,并报省新闻出版管理部门批准。音像复录生产单位应按照出版单位委托复录的范围、数量和国家规定的质量标准进行生产。生产完成后,应按规定向省新闻出版管

第四章 发行与进出口
第十四条 设立一级音像制品发行(批发)单位,按照本规定第十条第一款的规定办理。设立二、三级音像发行(批发)单位,由市地新闻出版管理部门报省新闻出版管理部门审批,凭批复文件向当地有关部门申请办理证照后,方可营业。
第十五条 集体所有制单位、私营企业和个体经营者不得从事录像带批发业务。私营企业和个体经营者不得从事录音带批发业务。禁止未经批准擅自从事音像制品的批发、零售、租赁业务。
第十六条 从事音像制品零售和出租的单位和个人,由县以上新闻出版管理部门审批,并向当地有关部门申请办理证照后,方可营业。
第十七条 一、二级音像发行单位可在全国采购音像出版单位出版的音像制品;三级发行单位经省新闻出版管理部门批准后,也可到外省采购音像制品。
第十八条 托运、邮寄音像制品必须由县以上新闻出版管理部门审查并出具证明方可托运、邮寄。
第十九条 举办音像制品展销活动,必须经省新闻出版管理部门批准后,按商品展销管理的有关规定办理。
第二十条 音像制品的进出口和来料加工,按国家有关规定执行。用于出版的资料性音像制品的进出口,由其主管部门审核同意,报省新闻出版管理部门批准。

第五章 录像放映
第二十一条 设立录像放映单位,应报市(地)新闻出版管理部门批准,并向有关部门申领证照后,方可营业。
第二十二条 录像放映单位必须从当地发行单位购带或出租单位租带。不得播映盗版及其它非法音像制品,不得播映未经审查批准的录像带。不得与有线电视接通连网。
第二十三条 禁止任何单位和个人未经批准擅自从事营业性录像放映业务。

第六章 处 罚
第二十四条 违反本规定第四条、第十条、第十五条、第二十条第二款、第二十二条规定的,由县以上新闻出版管理部门予以取缔,没收非法音像制品及其设备;情节严重的,由县以上新闻出版管理部门没收非法所得,或处以所经营音像制品总定价三至五倍罚款。
第二十五条 违反本规定第十二条规定的,由县以上新闻出版管理部门根据情节分别给予警告、没收非法音像制品和非法所得,并可处以五百元以下罚款。
第二十六条 伪造、转借、出租、涂改经营许可批准证件或批复文件的,由县以上新闻出版管理部门给予警告、没收非法所得,或处以五百元以下罚款。
第二十七条 违反公安、工商、海关管理法规、规章的,由公安、工商、海关管理部门依法处理。构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第二十八条 对同一违法行为,行政执法机关不得重复罚款和没收。罚没收入全部上交财政。没收的违禁品按有关规定处理。任何单位和个人不得擅自处理和存留。
第二十九条 新闻出版管理部门工作人员滥用职权、营私舞弊、玩忽职守、侵犯经营者合法权益的,依照国家有关规定给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第三十条 当事人对行政主管部门的具体行政行为不服的,可依照《行政复议条例》的规定申请复议,或依照《行政诉讼法》的规定直接向人民法院起诉。

第七章 附 则
第三十一条 本规定在执行中的具体问题由省新闻出版局负责解释。
第三十二条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

